Saturday, August 8, 2015

Day I 3rd July 2015

Introduction to the module

The first lesson  on ICT module was short and brief. Our tutor talked on the overview of the module and its assessment mode. We were also asked what ICT actually mean; ICT stands for information and communication technologies. To me it is a diverse set of technological tools and resources used for communication, to create, to disseminate, to store and to manage information which involves computers and internet  and other technology like cell phones and television.

The main focus of today’s lesson was the familiarization of Digital native students versus Digital immigrants teachers.
Who are digital native and immigrants; Digital native are the generation of people born during or after the rise of digital technology  and natives are people born before the advent of digital and who actually doesn’t have anything to do with technology.

The mindset of digital native children in our country are so different that we teachers, who are digital immigrant have the toughest time catching up with them. Today’s children, actually our present students embrace technology so much that they tend to forget our long preserved customs and culture. Example custom of marriage seldom happens, they get married through the technology, like wechat, facebooking, skype and many more.
Tremendous efforts are being carried to train our old aged teachers and administrators who are immigrant to technology to able to meet the needs of digital native children where usage of technology has become exciting and easier for them.

Despite the above discussion, participant in the class also discussed how we as teachers can make the use of their digital brain into today’s learning and teaching.  Since I am a teacher and not digital native have roles to mold our younger brains to fruitful citizen. With the help of this ICT module I am sure to guide our children in making the best use of available technology in our country. 

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