Collecting authentic information for evidences was the foremost challenges posed by my study. At the same time, I had to face other challenges such as inadequate references, location of school away from the centre, lack of consultancy, limited time and burden of heavy work load having to teach as well as look after the school administration. In the beginning, I was a bit worried on how would I be able to complete this course, but moral support and encouragement of my colleague gave me added strength to marshal the task that I undertook. The starting was smooth but the course of continuation became harder and harder.
Nevertheless, I was determined to carry out this Herculean task and learn appropriate strategies for teaching our today’s youth. I guess this online course would be able to remove some of the confusion of the ways of our today’s teaching and learning.
Along with course of my online class, every single topic was discussed with my colleagues here, their suggestion were crucial for my study because we are the one who have first hand practical experiences and about using technology in teaching and learning purposes, integrating technology in fact I believe that we the workers in the field know better than anyone else. From the analysis of the teacher’s suggestion I found all most all the discussion I carried during online class are essential and applicable provided we are equipped with sufficient basic equipment.
I have gained a good amount of knowledge and skills by participating in this online class. The thing that I have learnt throughout the process will create a lasting effect in my life because it is invaluable. I performed this study with full dedication, for a good cause and not just for certificate form aboard.
Unquestioningly, this online class helped me broaden my knowledge and change my perspectives of today’s teaching. I believe the teaching skills I conquered during this course, (although late but still gaining momentum in our country) would be meaningful to others. For the reasons, I think this course regarding BUILDING TEACHING SKILLS THROUGH INTERACTIVE WEB hopes to act as an eye-opener generating rewarding discussion among my small school teacher, making maximum utilization of little resource we have and hope to influence other nearby teachers. Finally, in a nutshell, Building Teaching Skills Through Interactive Web will never be a failure but a stepping stone to success.
I would also like to entire participants for providing timely and unfailing support and assistance through the course of discussion and task. I would like to thank my project partner Miss. Nesrine Ourari, Tunisia for going through my draft project report and giving very valuable suggestions and direction. I would like thank her for being my guiding spirit.
Last but not the least; I would like to thank the system of University of Oregon USA for offering their services and experiences of many years. My deep gratitude goes to Professor Robert Elliot for being with us the entire course of time, working with us in odd hours and making the class live, for the many insightful discussion we had. It has been a personal education working and travelling with Mr. Robert.
Jigme Norbu, Bhutan