Friday, April 15, 2011

WEEK 2 : Reflection

As I have mentioned in nicenet that there are largely two types of development that teacher need to explore;

1. consider all the ways in which the teacher can learn and improve independently.
2. Experience of other, read books on teaching and browsing internet.

Teacher can also help learn themselves is to think carefully about what they do. People often say that making mistake is a learning experience, but this is only so if it is recognized as a mistake and the learners for it are carefully thought through.
Our tutor used to say “Teachers need to reflect on their practice” and so, on the course too. We should always remember that reflection on our practice is an essential part of a developing teacher.

First day of a week is always been an excitement for me since I joined this course, new mails, new topic to discuss and new comments to read. Google!, Yahoo! and Altavista! was only the search engine I knew. This week, going through new (for me) master of search engine called introduced by our tutor Mr. Robert, I was able login many other search tools; namely,,, Reading through post posted by class mate I was able to find many other search tools which I haven’t heard before. I did scanning of few and found out they are all important and relevant for our daily teaching. I have listed down the entire search engine and pasted on my wall where it is easily accessible. My excitement would have been doubled have I had the opportunity of having high speed internet.

Planning is an important part of teaching. As well as helping the flow and progression of an individual lesson. Planning a lesson is not done without writing objective(s). This week course, browsing through Pennsylvania State University’s ABCD method of writing objective, I had to give second thought whether we could implement in our school. So I called upon few English teacher and discussed with them, teachers said; our present practice of writing objective using ‘SMART’ (S- specific, M – measurable, R – Realistic, and T – timely) idea do not differ from ‘ABCD’ method. We finally came to conclusion that a good lesson plan does not teach the class, it is the teacher how he/she implement the plan. But the floor was also reminded that if we have good lesson objective teacher automatically teaches well.

Final project: describing a class and imagining how children would be benefited from making a technology-inspired change was the toughest activity I had. This activity wouldn’t have been the toughest if all of my present children have had an opportunity of having computer knowledge before. My children are yet to learn basic computer skills in years ahead. Any way I am confident that plans of our education ministry of providing IT class to all school going children do not go in vain.

Jigme Norbu


  1. Hello Jigme.

    I truly appreciate your dedication and commitment as a school principal taking a course like this and admire you for all the effort you put in and good work you produce. I wish my principal had any of yours aspirations...

    What I specially like after having read your post is your desire to discuss what we do here with your colleagues. I think it is wonderful how you bond and share your opinions and doubts. It shows how us highly you think of each other and how much you respect each other. I completely agree with you that objectives are only guidelines and signposts and that the real teaching is something that happens between teacher and students. However, as you've come to the conclusion yourselves, it really does effect teaching in a qualitative way.

    At the end of this post, I am going to say it again: I wish I had a principal like you...

    Looking forward to reading your following posts,


  2. I am agree with Nada, Congratulations for your effort and dedication.
    I have been looking for your city. It is a beautiful place with nice houses. Your school gives peace and calm.
    I also agree with you that reflection must be a essential activity in the teacher'teaching-learning process. Teachers learn while we teach.

    You have reason, planning is very important. There are many methods: SMART, ABCD, PPP,TBL, etc. I think that all of them have the same objective. Do the activities with order.
    this course is now our main goal. We have to dedicate extra time to complete the task and to learn at the same time.

    The final project is our challenge. After we will see the results in our students.

    You have very clear the objective, continue, go ahead.

    The best
    Quito Ecuador

  3. Hello Jigme
    Great dear friend, I know that you have very clear everything. I'd like to manage like you ...I just can have my blog. I hope you check and comment something.
    Ma del Carmen

  4. Hi, Jigme

    Thank you for your comment.

    I hope getting the electronic board, I know a few about this board. It isn´t complicated. If you know how to use a computer you know how to use the electronic board it is easier, but it is important to know what, where and how teaching and I believe this course help us. I consider that the most important in the proccess we are, the teacher with warmth and quality as are the goals of our govermment for the students.
    PPP method is popular in USA. I think is easy to apply in the classroom. I don`'t forget my plan with this method, but I believe that ABCD methos is complete.

    I congratulate you because you have clear your ideas about course. I would like to know Where is your city. I look for it and I found a small map but It doesn`t indicate in where is it.
    I like your photo of your school. It is beautiful. If you need some information about how to use electronic board, tell me

  5. Hi Jigme

    Many projects use simple tools to make their class work just a bit better. You don't have to use the latest and greatest tool, just make an addition to an existing problem or issue using technology. I think it sounds big and scary at the beginning, but as we step out the final project it will feel more manageable, I predict.

